Washington State Wills & Trusts

To help everyone create a personalized estate plan at an affordable price with ease.
We believe that everyone – single, married, divorced, widowed, with or without children – should have an estate plan, which allows people to provide for loved ones upon passing.
Contrary to popular misconception, creating an estate plan does not require you to have big house, a lot of money, or large assets. Your estate plan consists of everything you own when you pass, including your home, investments, bank accounts, retirement plans, vehicles, personal property, and any interests in a business or partnership.
If you die without a will or living trust, state law dictates how most of your belongings are to be distributed, and the result may not be what you would want. The division could lead to your loved ones not being cared for adequately, disputes between your family members and relatives, probate, or even court proceedings which may freeze the distribution of your assets to those who may need it the most at the time of your passing.
Having an estate plan in place will allow you to choose competent executors or trustees and give them the necessary authority to act on your behalf. Good estate planning can also minimize the costs of transferring property to your designated beneficiaries, leaving them more money.
If you own a business, you can also provide for an orderly succession and continuation of business operations.
Will and Last Testament: This distributes property and assets according to your wishes. It also appoints a representative or administrator to handle your estate after you pass. Having a Will can help avoid family disputes and conflicts after you pass.
Durable Power of Attorney: This allows you to appoint a person to make certain decisions on your behalf.
Cremation/Burial Instructions: This allows you to appoint a person to specifically carry out your wishes for cremation and disposition of ashes.
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care: This allows you to appoint a person to make certain health care decisions and is not affected in the event of disability.
Health Care Directive: This provides instructions and makes known your desire for artificially prolonged circumstances.
Uniform Donor Pledge: This provides specific instructions for any anatomical gifts you may wish to make.
Digital Estate Form: This helps organize and index your digital property and assets.
Community Property Agreement: This is an agreement between married spouses for outlining the disposition of community property upon one spouse’s passing.
ESTATE PLAN #1 ($200)
This plan consists of a Durable Power of Attorney and a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. This is recommended only for those who want to appoint a person to make certain decisions should anything happen to you. This is not a Will. The Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care is specifically for health care decisions and is not affected in the event of disability.
ESTATE PLAN #2 ($500)
This plan consists of a Will, which distributes property and assets according to your wishes. It also appoints a representative or administrator to handle your estate after you pass. Having a Will can help avoid family disputes and conflicts after you pass.
ESTATE PLAN #3 ($900)
This plan is your comprehensive estate plan and all you need to have your affairs in order. It consists of a Will, Durable Power of Attorney, Cremation/Burial Instructions, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Health Care Directive, Uniform Donor Pledge, and Digital Estate Form.
ESTATE PLAN #1 ($350)
This plan consists of two Durable Powers of Attorney and two Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care. This is recommended only for those who want to appoint a person to make certain decisions should anything happen to you. This is not a Will. The Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care is specifically for health care decisions and is not affected in the event of disability.
ESTATE PLAN #2 ($800)
This plan consists of two Wills (one per spouse). A Will distributes property and assets according to your wishes. It also appoints a representative or administrator to handle your estate after you pass. Having a Will can help avoid family disputes and conflicts after you pass.
ESTATE PLAN #3 ($1,600)
This plan is your comprehensive estate plan and all you need to have your affairs in order. It consists of two Wills, two Durable Powers of Attorney, two Cremation/Burial Instructions, two Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care, two Health Care Directives, two Uniform Donor Pledges, a Community Property Agreement, and two Digital Estate Forms.
The 2 commons trusts are a Revocable Living Trust and a Real Estate Trust.
Revocable Living Trust
Allows you to name a trustee to manage your assets during your lifetime and upon your passing
You can manage the assets by placing them in a trust and keep them available to you during your life
You can revoke it at any time
A married couple will have a joint Revocable Living Trust
This trust is complex and is designed to lower taxes, fees, and costs as well as avoid probate
Our rates for a Revocable Living Trust depend on complexity and need
Not everyone needs a Revocable Living Trust. Call us today at (206) 259-1259 or e-mail us to see if a Revocable Living Trust is right for you.
Real Estate Trust
This trust is specific to any real estate or home that you own
Instead of or in addition to a Revocable Living Trust, you can provide specific instructions and directives regarding your home
Names you, the owners, as both the Grantor and Trustee and you have all rights to the home
Our rates depend on the complexity and the county where the home is located

"Working with Ada was phenomenal. She is very intelligent and a great listener. I never had any doubts and was confident knowing she was there to assist me and was on my side. She is professional and a force to be reckoned with. My wife made several attempts to consult with other lawyers over the phone before attaining one for hire. She stated that when she spoke to Ada on the phone, Ada was asking key questions about our situation, was upfront, and tactical. This in turn lead to a great experience. Ada, my family and I thank you for all you did! We appreciate [the] effort you put into what you accomplished. Thanks." - Client
Wills & Trusts Lawyer Ada Wong is committed to helping people make life - and after - simple. She believes that everyone should have their assets and property distributed the way they wish. As such, Ada offers different packages for this planning. She keeps her prices low and competitive to provide access to everyone to a knowledgeable lawyer when engaging in this very important process.
Having a Will and other estate planning documents at an early age is vital and can make the world of difference for those you love and care for in unfortunate or unexpected circumstances. Ada wants to make this easy, simple, and affordable for all.
J.D., University of Washington School of Law
B.A., University of California, Davis
Cantonese (conversational)

What's the difference between a will and a trust? Do I need a will and a trust? Looking for more info? Check out our FAQ page for answers to some common questions!​

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